Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I got mail...

Yesterday when I got home, I had an envelope waiting.

This was waiting inside...

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


The end of August and the first two weeks of September will be interesting; we are going for our summer holiday. We have planned a euro trip with maximum amount of diving. We are trying to go to a dive park in Germany, trying to do the PADI Altitude diver course in Austria, the main goal for our trip will be Poreč, Croatia, and on our way back home hopefully we’ll have the chance to visit my friend Tim in Belgium and go to Nemo 33.

It'll be interesting to se how much and how many planed sites we manage to visit. :)

I'll update as we drive south from Finland and have access to the internet...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


I know that this isn't that much to party on, but it's big for me because I never done anything like this + I had sooooo much problems with my home/work computer.

ANYWAY, the video from Wessö is on youtube also found here.

Please give some feedback. Either as a comment here or on youtube.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The video...

I tried to post the video here, but it was a failure.

It didn't show the video like a video, more like still captures from the video. I guess I have to post it on like youtube and link it here... Well You will know if I succeed or not... :)