Monday, August 6, 2012


Hi everybody!
Yes I know, it's been a while.  But this will be a summary of the past months.

My friend Åke, has join the great underwater experince club. Åke did his introduction to scuba diving a while back (6th of May). Åkes OWD course started on Friday 13th of July 2012 with the theory part and the confined water was the next day, the confined part was done i Flamingo, Vantaa.
The next weekend the 21th and 22th  was his open water part, for that we drove to Vessö, Porvoo.
At the same time I'm on my DiveMaster course, this was actually the worst part of the course because I had to teach a friend and that not something you want. It's easier to tell somebody you don't know that their doing something wrong, and correcting them.

On Friday the 4th me and Maria packed our car and drove to Kuortane to the Kaatiala quarry with Kristian, the drive was about 350 km. We left Helsinki about 16:30 and arrived at 20:30. When we arrived to the cabins Teemu and Tommi were there already waiting for us. They had started from Helsinki in the mornig and had done two dives before we got to the cabins. We  unloaded the cars and waited for the rest of the group.

Tero had 4 persons on a AOWD course and 2 others that were there just to dive. Tero told Teemu and me that we should be assisting him as DM students on the others AOWD course.

On Saturday we set of to the quarry after breakfest and did two dives from the shallow end, on both dives Teemu, Tommi and I we acting guides for the the 6 divers. We did two guided dives with the AOWD students and the Tero had them do the rest of their course.
When tha teacher is not looking you have to do something that is forbidden, Tommi and me took some rope and set of too the deep end. We planed to dive in to the quarry as far as the rope would let us.

Tero is not dumb, he know what we where going to do, so we explained how we planed it he let us go. It was our first ever dive in the quarry and it was worth it, it was awsome!
The max depth tha I got to was 29,4 m and our dive time was 21 min.

Because there was great visibility about 10 m Tommi talked me over to do a night dive as well, so we left the dive site and went to the cabins, eat dinner and filled our tanks and as we where leaving for the quarry Tero jumped in tha car with us. Tommi and my first night dive was 11,4 m and 24 min.

On Sunday we did two dives from the deep end with the AOWD students, the first dive was just down to the divebell, about 25 m where the did deep portion of their AOWD cours. And the second and last dive for the weekend was just diving around and having fun.

The my summary for this weekend was 7 dives max depth 29,4 m (new SB/PB) and 136 min, one cave dive and one night dive.

I will try to get pictures from this trip and post them asap.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Tim in Finland...

My good friend Tim from Belgium is visiting us. I've arranged for him to take a introduction to scuba diving next monday. This week-end will not be spent under water but in the forrest, we are going hiking to Teijo.  

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Kisko 1.7.2012

Today we where @ Kisko near Salo diving. I did only one dive 24 min and the max depth @ 20 m. The visibility was pretty poor but I would say 2-3 meters. No matter that I only did one dive I had a blast waiting for the others with Rami. Like you all know I'm not the greatest writer so I like to post pics instead. So here's some pics from today.

The pictures where taken by my wife Maria.

Monday, June 18, 2012

I kicked of the season by staing indoors, I have been with Tero (my instructor) to Flamingo "helping" him and learning how to teache Discover scuba diving, or like we call it Introduction to scuba diving, or Intro

My personal goal is to be a Assistant Instructor  or AI. I still have a way to go but baby steps, baby steps.

So my timetable for this year has been:

Spa&Wellness Flamingo, Vantaa (a discover scuba course)

Porvoo Uimahalli (Public swimming pool in Porvoo) Where my frind Åke did his intro to diving.

Kaatiala louhos, Kuortane (a old quarry i Kuortane, very popular with the finnish divers, the pics that I'll upload sre from this quarry.)

Test diving a long the 120-road from Helsinki to Vihti, there is a couple of places you can acces the water but not recommended. It´s old 1-1,5 meters shallow.

My RD course. We did the Rescue Diver course confined water @ Flamingo, Vantaa and from there we drove to Vessö, Porvoo and did the open water part of the course. What a day that was. A hole course in one day, luckely we did the theory  couple of weeks ago.

The next dives (not yet planed) will be just to dive, no courses for the moment. Just relaxing dives.
And get my dive count to 50 dives, so I can participate in the Divemaster course, hopefully in the end of this sesaon.

The following pics are Us goofing around @ Kaatiala quarry in Kuortane

Hi everybody!

I've bee a bit lazy during the winter and I must admit that I had forgotten my own blog.
Well that's going to change, from now to the end of this dive season I will try to write of everydive.

I started this season with my first icedive on Feb 26th 2012, the dive it self was only 7 min but pure gold, or should I say ice. The air temperatyre was +2C and @ 10,2 m the water was +1C.
For all you sceptics, these pics were taken with my Iphone 4 @ -10C, so it realy works at below zero. :)

Picing the wear out from Tero's car

Trying to untangle the saftyline...
That was fun, could't do it with gloves and could't be with out gloves...